Bee Cut-Outs

Bee Removal Services at Mount Hood Honey Company

At Mount Hood Honey Company, we understand the delicate balance between human habitation and the natural world. Our bee removal service offers a safe, effective, and humane solution to relocate bees that have established hives in unwanted areas around your home or business. Nestled in the heart of Parkdale, Oregon, we're dedicated to ensuring the safety of both our community and our bees.

Why Choose Mount Hood Honey Company for Bee Removal?

  • Humane and Ethical Practices: Our primary goal is to protect and preserve the bee population. We use gentle, bee-friendly methods to carefully relocate hives without harming the bees. We ensure that these vital pollinators are moved to a suitable environment where they can continue to thrive.
  • Expertise and Experience: With years of beekeeping experience in the lush landscapes of Oregon, we have developed a deep understanding of bee behavior and hive management. This knowledge allows us to efficiently and safely remove bees, minimizing stress on the bees and risk to humans.
  • Safety First: We prioritize the safety of our clients and their properties. We are equipped with the proper gear and tools to perform the removal process safely, ensuring that the bees are relocated with minimal disturbance to your daily life.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants and supporting healthy ecosystems. By choosing our bee removal service, you're contributing to environmental conservation efforts and helping to maintain the biodiversity of our region.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: We offer a complete bee removal service, which includes the safe extraction of the bees, the relocation of the hive, and advice on preventing future bee infestations. Our team is also available for follow-up consultations and services.

Our Bee Removal Process

  1. Inspection: Our process begins with a thorough inspection to assess the situation and determine the best course of action for the bees and the property owner.
  2. Safe Removal: Using specialized tools and techniques, we gently remove the bees and their hive from the premises.
  3. Relocation: The bees are then carefully transported to a new location where they can continue to flourish and contribute to the local ecosystem.
  4. Prevention Advice: We provide clients with tips and strategies to deter bees from nesting in unwanted areas in the future.

Supporting a Greener Future

Choosing Mount Hood Honey Company for your bee removal needs means supporting a greener, more sustainable future. We believe in coexisting with nature and are committed to providing services that benefit our clients, our community, and the environment.

Get in Touch

If you're facing an issue with bees on your property, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is ready to provide you with a safe, efficient, and humane bee removal service. Contact Mount Hood Honey Company today, and let us take care of your bee removal needs with the care and expertise you deserve.

Download our Bee Removal Agreement