About Mount Hood Honey Company

Welcome to Mount Hood Honey Company, where we're passionate about bringing you the finest honey and hive products straight from the heart of Parkdale, Oregon. Nestled in the shadow of the iconic Mount Hood, our family-owned apiary is dedicated to preserving the beauty of Oregon's wilderness while providing you with the purest, most delicious honey imaginable.

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Our Mission

At Mount Hood Honey Company, our mission is simple: to share the natural bounty of Oregon with the world. We're committed to sustainable beekeeping practices that prioritize the well-being of our bees and the environment. By nurturing healthy hives and responsibly harvesting our honey, we strive to create a positive impact on both our local community and the planet as a whole.

Quality and Purity

Quality and purity are at the core of everything we do. From the moment our bees set out to collect nectar from the wildflowers and native flora surrounding Mount Hood to the final jar of honey that reaches your table, we prioritize excellence in every step of the process. Our honey is raw, unfiltered, and bursting with the natural flavors and nutrients that make it a true superfood.

Sustainability and Stewardship

We take our role as stewards of the environment seriously. Our beekeeping practices are designed to minimize our impact on the land while maximizing the health and vitality of our bees. By promoting biodiversity, protecting natural habitats, and supporting local pollinators, we're committed to preserving the delicate balance of Oregon's ecosystems for generations to come.

Community and Connection

Mount Hood Honey Company is more than just a business—it's a community. We're proud to be a part of the vibrant Parkdale community and to share our passion for honey and beekeeping with our neighbors near and far. Whether you're a seasoned beekeeper, a honey enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of nature, we invite you to join us on this journey.

Thank You for Supporting Us

We're deeply grateful for your support of Mount Hood Honey Company. Every jar of honey you purchase directly supports our efforts to promote sustainable agriculture, protect pollinators, and preserve the natural beauty of Oregon. Together, we can make a difference—one delicious jar of honey at a time.

Join Us on Our Journey

We invite you to explore our website, learn more about our products, and connect with us on social media. Whether you're looking for the perfect honey for your morning toast, seeking advice on beekeeping, or simply want to learn more about the fascinating world of bees, we're here to help. Thank you for choosing Mount Hood Honey Company.